How did all this happen?  Were we born into homesteading/farming?  Nope!!!  We were given 6 baby chicks by a friend, fell in love and dove in head first to the homesteading/farming life style.  Looking back,  I think we would have benefited from visiting other farms and getting a better idea of what this was all about and the work involved.  Below are links to other farms like ours which have helped open or minds to all of the possibilities out there.  If your are thinking about getting into homesteading/farming then the links below may help guide you and give your great ideas.  This is a  community of like minded, hard working and inventive people all doing the best they can with what they have.  No homestead/farm is alike, so enter with an open mind and have fun!!!!



Agape Farms

Homesteading & Homeschooling Classes

Educational Farm Tours & Events

18913 Bethel Road, Richards, Texas 77873, United States

(832) 289-6357

Agape Farms


Forest Trail Tillandsia

A private, paradise nursery, selling Hoya, Tillandsia, Monstera and much more!

(2) Forest Trail Tillandsia | Facebook

Forest Trail Tillandsia on Etsy


More to come!